
juniper ssg nat advice

Anyway: My advise as experienced user and instructor on ScreenOS: Allways put every interface in route-mode and do the natting in the policy. It's so much more clear what's going on with natting that way!
because interface base nat only valid for traffic from trust to untrust where interface in trust zone you set in nat mode

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2023 灌籃高手 SLAM Dunk

 2023 哩哩摳摳 昨天是難得的颱風假。 去看了二輪的灌籃高手。 電影院一堆的小朋友阿。 以下有小暴雷。 雖然我不算是非常的迷灌籃高手,但是還是很喜歡這部作品。 井上老師的畫風我也非常喜歡。 整部片是以良田的角度來看的。 以前我並不是很熟習良田這個角色,但是看到良田能重新站起來...